


I have been consulting Dr Guruprasad . I can definitely say he is one of the best, knowledgeable oncology doctors in Mangalore. He gives all the warmth and patience to patients. He listens calmly to every detail. He suggests the apt line of treatment and discusses other latest available options with the patients. I strongly recommend Dr.Guruprasad to any cancer patient to consult in the first place in Mangalore.


Dr.Guruprasad is an incredible doctor! He's very understanding and listens to ur concerns.He takes time with his patients to help them with their health issues.I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a specialist.


Treatment price is resonable compared to other Hospital. Dr Guruprasad has been the most caring and responsive person I had come across in the medical profession. They took care of my emotional and physical wellbeing. I am grateful to Dr. Guruprasad for taking care of me.I would recommend people suffering from cancer do visit him you will have a great experience taking treatment from him. Thank you doctor for all help.


Dr.Guruprasadl is an incredible doctor! He's very understanding and listens to our concerns.He takes time with his patients to help them with their health issues.I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a specialist.


Dr Guruprasad is one of most empathetic and clinically knowledgeable Oncologists available. Any challenging case in Oncology can be precisely taken by her and he one of the Oncologists who speak politely to the patient and helps them accordingly.


Best place for standard cancer care. Dr Guruprasad explained the current status and further plan very clearly and the possiblities of the treatment. I strongly recommend her for a perfect cancer treatment.


Dr. Guruprasad is one of the best cancer doctor I've come across,I met many doctors for my uncles surgery before but wasn't really sure. He is an experienced and brilliant doctor also the way he explains the surgery process is great when we met him I was confident enough to say that, Yes we're in good hands. He has treated my uncle and we're very happy with the results,he has been very supportive and reachable at anytime. Thank you so much Dr. Guru prasad Sir.

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