Tongue cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells of the tongue, and can cause lesions or tumors on your tongue. It happens when cells divide out of control and form a growth, or tumor. Tongue cancer is less common than many other types. Tongue cancer can occur on the front of the tongue, which is called "oral tongue cancer". Or it may occur at the base of the tongue, near where it attaches to the bottom of your mouth. This is called "oropharyngeal cancer."
In early stages of hypopharyngeal cancer, symptoms are not seen. However, you may have the following symptoms as cancer progresses:
The hypopharynx is a part of the throat that lies beside and behind your pharynx (throat). The food and liquids we swallow pass through the mouth and throat through the hypopharynx, esophagus and then into the stomach. Cancer to the tissues of the hypopharynx is called hypopharyngeal cancer. It is one of the most common types of head and neck cancer.